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**Accomodation Related: Few Non-AC accomodation are available in University Guest house on dual sharing basis @750/Bed/Night. Allotment shall be on FCFS basis. Please contact (Mob: 9474390844) in this regard. **List of Accepted Papers** All the concerned are requested to check the updated program schedule regularly

Conference Proceedings

** ICCTE-2023 Proceedings by Springer: Part-1  &   Part-II

Conference proceedings of ICCTE 2025 will be published as a Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) post-proceedings volume.

CRC Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to email final Camera Ready Copy (filename should be CRC_PID#) of the accepted papers to by to be announced soon positively.

Author Registration Form || Participants/Deligate Registration Form

The submission link will be available shortly.

Our Technical Sponsors

IEEE CIS(Computational Intelligence Society), Kolkata Chapter

IEEE EDS(Electron Devices Society), Kolkata Chapter

CSI (Computer Society of India), Siliguri Chapter

What is ICCTE 2025?


The Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of North Bengal is planning to organize a three-day 2nd International Conference on Computational Technologies and Electronics (ICCTE-2025) scheduled to be held during 20-22nd November, 2025. The conference will bring the researchers, academicians, and industry experts under one umbrella that will facilitate discussions, collaboration and networking regarding recent trends on Computer Science, Applications Technologies and Electronics The conference will feature the lectures from international and National keynote speakers, technical sessions, and panel discussions . ... The ICCTE-2025 will be held at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of North Bengal, barring the Panel Discussion which will be held at St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling. The University of North Bengal is one of the oldest state Universities, located in the northern part of West Bengal, India. Campus of the University covers an area of nearly 331 acres of land at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas in proximity of vast plains around it with a fascinating glimpse of the Kanchenjunga peak, tea gardens and forest cover.initially, the Department of Computer Science and Technology (formerly known as Department of Computer Science and Technology) started imparting education in the year 1983 with the most modern curriculum to the students of Post Graduate Diploma course in Computer Application. Afterwards, the MCA Course was started in the year 1988. The Department is one of the oldest among other Universities, which started imparting the MCA and M.Sc in Computer Sc. Course in West Bengal Presently the Department of Computer Science and Technology is successfully running MCA, M.Sc. (Computer Science) and Ph. D. courses. The department is planning to start M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology (3 Yr. Part time Course for Warking Professionals). The Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of North Bengal has been one of the pioneering academic departments for higher education, research, and innovation in key areas of Computer Science and Technology. The mission and vision of the department is to achieve excellences in the world of computer science, application and Technologies through imparting higher education and extensive multidisciplinary research. Students of this department have already shown their potentiality in their respective services and are placed in various reputed organizations.


The conference will provide an ideal platform for presenting the developments and latest findings. The areas of interest include are strictly confined to the following domains:

  • Pattern Recognition & AI

  • Data Communication & Security

  • Applied Electronics

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Important Announcements

CRC Submission
Within 14/11/2025

Early Bird Registration
Within 14/11/2025

Department of Computer Science and Technology
University Of North Bengal
00 : 00 : 00 : 00

2nd International Conference on Computational Technologies and Electronics - 2025

20 - 22nd November, 2025

Our Speakers

International Speakers

Prof. Samarjit Chakraborty

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Prof. Subarna Shakya

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Prof. Sudan Jha

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Mr. Rajkumar Upadhayay

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Dr. Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul

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Our Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

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